Jordan Rix
Primary school teacher
I want to help children get the best out of themselves and create an environment in which children want to come to school and where everyone can be themselves.
Their SCITT programme has allowed me to gain immediate experience and be based the majority of the time in a school gaining experience.
Is finding the time to do the PGCE assignment and planning all the lessons you have to teach at the same time.
We are granted plenty of opportunities to have time outside of the classroom to complete the work and there is always plenty of time to do the assignments, there is always time somewhere.
Getting to work with the children and seeing the progress they make over the duration of your placement. I also enjoy the feeling you get when you notice you’re getting better at both being infront of the class and managing all the tiny things on a day-to-day basis.
Getting to learn about their unique personalities and how everyone is so so different from one another but come together to create a very special classroom environment.
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